CYCLAMEN hederifolium f. albiflorum

Product 1073 From 3845

CYCLAMEN hederifolium f. albiflorum

Ivy Leaf Cyclamen, Neapolitan Cyclamen, Persian Violet
Select Item No. CA703

Also available as:


1 Portion contains 20-250 seeds depending on value and size.
Please switch to gram for larger quantities.

Plant Description

Life Cycle: Perennial
Family: Primulaceae
Origin: Southern Europe, the Balkans to western Turkey: open forests.
Distinction: Award of Garden Merit (A.G.M.) from the Royal Horticultural Society.
Special Features: Handsome foliage for up to 9 months at suitable locations. Mostly white, late season bloomer. Variable. Terrific for the shady rock garden. Deer resistant. Drought tolerant. Suitable for natural landscaping. Use for low maintenance plantings.
Basic Colour: (white / cream)
Flower Colour: mostly white, variable
Natural Flowering Period: August - October
Winter Hardiness Zones: Z5 - Z8
Foliage: Entire, cordate, silver pattern, mostly dark center, deep green.
Growth Habit: clumping / wintergreen
Height with Flowers: 10 cm
Spacing between Plants: 15 cm
Soil Requirements: dry / well-drained / average
Characteristics: ornamental foliage plant / groundcover
Usage: for the rock garden
Portion weight: 0.4 Gram
Grams per 1000 seeds: 8.33333 Gram
Seeds per Gram
(does not correspond to the number of plants!):
Gram to get 1000 plants
(if sown directly into pots etc. you will need a larger quantity):
15 Gram
Sowing Direction:

(7) These seeds must be covered with a layer seed kernel diameter. Keep daytime temperatures at approximately +20°C [68°F], and keep the moisture constant, for Cyclamen, however, +18°C [64°F] is recommended. The seeds must be kept in the light and moderately warm after germination.

Sowing Time Hint: Spring to early summer. Keep pots for one cold season.
Container Size(s): 1 plug per 8/9 cm (3 1/2")
Fertilizer: Medium (150-200 ppm)
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