Blackbox Gardening - Cultivating Chaos
”Blackbox Gardening“ is a gardening philosophy, that differs from the traditional way of creating and caring for a garden. It combines both aspects closely, and includes a designing with nature, not against it. Dynamics and the random play of nature have a major role within this process. The use of self seeding plants is the essential characteristic of a 'Blackbox-Garden'. The book was translated and edited 2015 with the english title "Cultivating Chaos".
Literature: Jonas Reif, Christian Kress: Cultivating Chaos, 2015
Blackbox Gardening
Art.No.: EA051
ERANTHIS hyemalis -
Art.No.: EA010
ECHINOPS bannaticus 'Blue Glow' -
Art.No.: EA088
ERIGERON glaucus -
Art.No.: EA232
EUPHORBIA lathyris -
Art.No.: EA164
ERYNGIUM giganteum[Miss Wilmott's Ghost] -
Art.No.: EA020
ECHIUM vulgare(Viper's Bugloss) -
Art.No.: EA240
EUPHORBIA epithymoides(polychroma) -
Art.No.: EA012
ECHINOPS niveus 'Arctic Glow'(sphaerocephalus hort.) -
Art.No.: EA169
ERYNGIUM planum 'Blaukappe'[Blue Cap, Tetra Petra] -
Art.No.: EA017
ECHIUM russicum(rubrum)(PONTECHIUM maculatum) -
Art.No.: EA090
ERIGERON karvinskianus 'Blütenmeer'[Profusion, Stallone] -
Art.No.: EA034