SEDUM pulchellum

Product 3378 From 3859

SEDUM pulchellum

Stonecrop, Widow's Cross
Select Item No. SA359


1 Portion contains 20-250 seeds depending on value and size.
Please switch to gram for larger quantities.

Plant Description

Life Cycle: Perennial
Family: Crassulaceae
Origin: USA (Virginia to Kansas, south to Georgia and Texas)
Special Features: Lush green foliage and prolific flowering. Easy groundcover, short lived. Tolerates moisture, grows on limestone rocks that remain evenly moist. Tolerates shade and moist places.
Basic Colour: (pink / salmon)
Flower Colour: brilliant pink
Natural Flowering Period: May - July
Winter Hardiness Zones: Z6 - Z10
Foliage: thin, needle-like, rich green, leaves that overlap one another
Growth Habit: stoloniferous / mat-forming / low-growing
Height with Flowers: 10 cm
Spacing between Plants: 30 cm
Soil Requirements: dry / well-drained / average
Characteristics: groundcover
Usage: for the rock garden / for green roofs / flowering pot plant
Portion weight: 0.09 Gram
Grams per 1000 seeds: 0.13158 Gram
Seeds per Gram
(does not correspond to the number of plants!):
Gram to get 1000 plants
(if sown directly into pots etc. you will need a larger quantity):
1 Gram
Sowing Rates/Trays: 4 - 6 per cell
Plug tray recommended size(s): 128 / 288
Sowing Direction:

(4) These are very tiny seeds which should be mixed with finest sand or talcum for an even sowing. Do not cover with compost, only press them in gently. Irrigate from the bottom or with a hand-sprayer, so that the seeds will not be washed away.

(16) See 15 with the exception of germination being slower and more irregular. This poses no problems.

(15) Rapidly germinating, keep seed in constant moisture (not wet) with temperatures of about +20°C [68°F]. Seeds must be covered thinly. Do not cover very small seeds, but tightly press into the earth. Keep in cooler conditions after germination occurs.

Best Sowing Date
(northern Hemisphere, Field condition):
Sowing to Germination: 3 - 4 weeks
Germination to Transplant: 6 - 8 weeks
Transplanting to Potting: 8 - 10 weeks
Container Size(s): 1 plug per 8/9 cm (3 1/2") / 1-2 plugs per 11/12 cm (4 1/2")
Fertilizer: Light (100-150 ppm)
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