ALCHEMILLA erythropoda

Product 151 From 3845

ALCHEMILLA erythropoda

Lady's Mantle
Select Item No. AG164

Also available as:

1000 Seeds


The minimum order quantity for this article are 200 seeds.

There are no units prepacked, any seed amount ( > minimum quantity) is weighed individually.

Plant Description

Article Type: (GOLD NUGGET SEED ®)
Life Cycle: Perennial
Family: Rosaceae
Origin: Balkan Peninsula, West Carpathians, Caucasus to Northern Iran
Distinction: Award of Garden Merit (A.G.M.) from the Royal Horticultural Society.
Special Features: Yellow, often reddish coloured flowers on short, reddish flowering stems and lovely bluish-green foliage. An excellent candidate for container production or use as a groundcover. Full sun in cool summer climates to semi-shade elsewhere.
Basic Colour: (yellow / gold)
Flower Colour: yellow
Natural Flowering Period: June - August
Flowering: First year flowering
Winter Hardiness Zones: Z3 - Z8
Foliage: bluish-green, pilose
Growth Habit: clumping / low-growing
Height with Flowers: 20 cm
Spacing between Plants: 30 cm
Soil Requirements: well-drained / average
Characteristics: ornamental foliage plant / groundcover
Portion weight: 0.2 Gram
Grams per 1000 seeds: 0.63291 Gram
Seeds per Gram
(does not correspond to the number of plants!):
Sowing Rates/Trays: 2 per cell
Plug tray recommended size(s): 72 / 128
Sowing Direction:

(15) Rapidly germinating, keep seed in constant moisture (not wet) with temperatures of about +20°C [68°F]. Seeds must be covered thinly. Do not cover very small seeds, but tightly press into the earth. Keep in cooler conditions after germination occurs.

Best Sowing Date
(northern Hemisphere, Field condition):
Sowing Time Hint: Light-germinator, do not cover.
Sowing to Germination: 3 - 4 weeks
Germination to Transplant: 4 - 8 weeks
Transplanting to Potting: 6 - 10 weeks
Container Size(s): 1 plug per 8/9 cm (3 1/2") / 1-2 plugs per 11/12 cm (4 1/2")
Fertilizer: Medium (150-200 ppm)
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